viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

Pedro Martin de Segovia

Hi Manel

Pedro was the Governor of Segovia as we know. He was son of Juan Martin of Domingo Garcia a village 20 miles North of Segovia. I have an interesting story for you about the family's coat of arms.

Pedro traced his family back to 1314 in Spain. In 1314 three men were working in the fields – one of them was Pedro’s ancestor . A Moorish army suddenly appeared but these three men held the pass stopping their advance . When the Spanish forces arrived the commander commending them cut the Spanish flag in three pieces giving a lion to each man hence the crest of a Castilian lion.

Please tell us what you know of Meliton's family.


2 comentarios:

M. Marina dijo...

Give me some time to translate all the texts.

M. Marina dijo...

Diputado = Member of Parliament